Can I eat from an opened package of cookies at the home of a non-Frum friend?



I have a friend who doesn’t eat chalav or pas yisroel, she also drives to shul, though she keeps other parts of Shabbos, she buys pas yisroel cookies that are pareve for me, but she stores them in Ziploc bags after she opens the package, I’ve known her for a long time and she respects my standards, can I eat those cookies when she offers them to me?



In general, you should not eat from it. In extenuating circumstances, there is room to be lenient if you fully trust her and know she won’t violate your standards. This is not one of those cases. There is a practical solution: tape or tie the bags when you finished using it so you can detect if it was tampered with when you were away.


See here: #224: Trusting a Mechalel Shabbos

May one regard coffee with milk from such a supermarket as Cholov-Yisroel. 


