I made kiddush and drank a second cup of wine for kiddush bemakom seudah. I then threw up a couple of hours later…



I was not feeling well, so I made kiddush and drank a second cup of wine for kiddush bemakom seudah. I threw up a couple of hours later and all the wine from kiddush was thrown up, in this case, I did make myself throw up in order to provide some relief (which it did). Was I yotzei kiddush?



There is a machlokes about this. Therefore, one should not make kiddush again.



בנוגע לסעודת שבת – ראה שו״ת כת״ס או״ח עא. שש״כ ב, נד, קיא.

ולענין קידוש במקום סעודה – ראה פתה״ד רעג, א. שו״ת תורה לשמה קכה. הר צבי או״ח קסג. ותלוי אם הסעודה דין בקידוש או בסעודה.


