What’s the source to use the Dikduk of the Torah Temimah Chumash for Leining?


There is no source for this. It is true that the Rebbe and the previous Rebbe used this Chumah during Krias Hatorah. The reason why they used this Chumash is not known. Some suggest it’s because the division of aliyos is consistent generally with our custom (as well as the fact that it contains the Haftoros in accordance with our custom). Indeed, when not during lenining, such as during the farbrengen, the Rebbe usually used a different Chumash. Others propose because it has on the bottom teachings of Chazal relating to the Pesukim.

Regardless, there’s no evidence that the dikduk in this Chumash is better in any way. In fact, there are clearly several errors in this Chumash.



ולהעיר שלמרות הפקפוקים והבקורת וכו׳ (ראה פעמי יעקב גל׳ מה. ועוד) ובפרט אצל חסידים, ואכ״מ – נזכר ספרו כדוגמא בסה״ש תשמ״ט א ע׳ 253 הע׳ 95. ובכ״מ צויין לספרו – ראה לקו״ש לב ע׳ 250. אג״ק ו, א׳תשמב. טז, ו׳פד. יח, ז׳כא. כח, י׳תתמז. וראה תערך לפני שלחן (הנקין) ע׳ 345. וש״נ.

וידוע שאצל חסידים נהגו להשתמש בתיקון בארדיטשוב.


