Delivering Unsealed Kosher Food Through a Non-Jewish
Our school kitchen prepares food for multiple school buildings. The food is prepared in the kitchen and then some of it is also transported to other locations. Generally, we have a regular, frum driver, but many times it is transported via car service.
There is no fleishig. It’s either milchig or pareve (including fish sticks/tuna).
Does the car service need to be Jewish? Frum?
Note: usually, the taxi gets paid at the time he drops off the food.
Also, one of the non-Jewish kitchen workers rides over to the other location with his bicycle. He brought me a tuna sandwich from the kitchen – and it’s not double ‘sealed’. (it’s double-wrapped (saran wrap + silver foil. No tape or special siman), can it be eaten or not?
If it’s a set driver every time that would be afraid to lose his job if he gets caught one may be lenient.
If it’s not a set driver, he needs to be a yid who is careful with eating kosher (he does not need to be shomer shabbos in regards to this halacha). If not, then there would be an issue also with fish and milchigs if it’s not sealed properly.
A siman has to be a significant sign that indicates that there is no chance of it being switched like a stamp and/or a seal. If one could recognize the food and knows for sure where it comes from is also fine.
When riding a bicycle through reshus horabim one may be lenient after the fact, unless it’s a frum neighborhood then it shouldn’t be a problem at all.
שו”ע יו”ד קי”ח ס”א וסימן ס”ג.
ובשו”ת שבט הקהתי ח”ג סי’ רכח: ״דירא הנהג שיפטרו אותו אם יתפשו אותו שמחליף הבשר”. וראה עוד ס’ הכשרות פרק ט.
אינו שומר שבת – דעת ר”מ פיינשטיין מובא בספר רשומי אהרון חלק א סימן קי”ח אות ב.
אם הולך במקום מעבר דרבים מותר בדיעבד, ובשכונת ישראל אפי’ לכתחלה.
שו״ע יו״ד קיח, ז.
גם יש לצרף דלא נהנה בחליפין. שו״ע אדה״ז או״ח כ, ג. תקטו, כד. ולהעיר משו״ת הצ״צ או״ח נה. ואכ״מ.
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