If my house keys are in my coat pocket with a tile key finder attached to it, does it make my coat Muktza for Shabbos?


Can I move it out on Shabbos (it may be affecting the tracking as I move it)?



Your coat is not Muktzeh, and the key-chain may be removed from the coat if necessary as long as the tile key finder is not directly touched.



The tile key finder is designed for a purpose forbidden on Shabbos, which is to ring when activated, and it is thus regarded as Muktzeh.

Nevertheless, you mentioned that the tile key finder is attached to house keys. House keys are, of course, permissible on Shabbos. For a number of reasons, the tile key finder is considered less important than the house keys; its whole purpose is to help you keep track of the house keys, and furthermore, on Shabbos you only want to use the house keys and not the tile key finder.

It is for this reason that many Poskim allow one to use a key-chain on Shabbos even if there are Muktzeh keys attached to it, being that the more important items are not Muktzeh. Of course, when carrying the key chain, one should not touch the Muktzeh item directly. [It goes without saying that the Muktzeh item should certainly not be detached from the key-chain on Shabbos, as this would lead to one moving the Muktzeh item directly.]

Other Poskim are stringent and recommend that the Muktzeh key be removed before Shabbos, but this is obviously not an option in your case where it was discovered on Shabbos. Therefore, the house keys can be removed from the coat on Shabbos if necessary.

Furthermore, all agree that such a key-chain does not render the coat Muktzeh, being that the Muktzeh item is secondary to the non-Muktzeh keys.

Regarding the tracking, it appears from the information available on the website that the tile key finder links with any Bluetooth-enabled-device nearby if it has the Tile app installed. The tile key finder’s  location is not directly tracked; rather, its location is based on the location services of the mobile device that it is linked to via Bluetooth. Therefore, if all Tile-enabled mobile devices within range are off during Shabbos, moving the tile key finder does not pose a problem. Even if a Tile-enabled mobile device within range was left on during Shabbos, moving the tile key finder does not create a problem as long as it always remains within Bluetooth range of the mobile device, as moving it does not cause any practical change.



אם דין המוצא-מפתחות ככל כשמל״א, הרי בלא״ה נחלקו אם יש דין בסיס בכלל – ראה כאן.

אבל יתכן שבאמת דינו כמוקצה מח״כ. ותלוי במציאות.

אף שבד״כ יש לנער המוקצה – כשאא״פ לנער מותר בטלטול. [וראה בלינק הנ״ל בנוגע ניעור כשמל״א]. וגם, בנדו״ז יהא הפסד ע״י  הניעור. ונחתינן להשקו״ט כשההפסד בדבר האסור – ראה כאן.

בנוגע להמעיל – אף אם נאמר שהמחזיק מפתחות הוא בסיס – בלא״ה כיס המעיל אינו בסיס אם שכח; גם יתכן שהמעיל אינו בסיס כיון  שהכיס בד״כ עשוי בפ״ע ותפור לבגד. (וצ״ע בכיסים שבזמננו העשויים בצורה מותאמת מראש למעיל). ומה״ט י״א שא״צ לנער.


