Flying from LAX to Mel, Monday night flight, if I cross the dateline before Chatzos, (or even after Chatzos, but before Alos), do I need to Daven a 2nd Maariv? (and do I repeat Shmone Esrei to make up for Tuesday Mincha?)


You should daven Maariv only once, and then Daven Shacharis after it becomes light, by which time it is Wednesday morning (due to crossing the Dateline).



The Zmanim for Tefillah are determined by the alternating periods of daylight and darkness. The fact that the day of the week or date has changed when crossing the Dateline does not create any new obligation to daven. Therefore, you should not daven Maariv twice during the same period of darkness. Similarly, it is not considered as if you skipped any Tefillah, and there is no reason to daven again.

Have a safe and easy journey!


