A college age young woman began lighting two Shabbos candles a number of years ago…



A college age young woman who is becoming more observant began lighting two Shabbos candles a number of years ago. She now learned she should only light one. Should she stop lighting two because she began with two thinking that was correct, or should she continue lightning two so she won’t be going down in holy things?



The young woman should continue to light the same amount of candles she has lit all this time.



Generally, one should light two wicks corresponding to the words “Remember” and “Guard” by the Shabbos. See Shulchan Aruch Admur Hazken (O.C. 263:1). Nonetheless, it is common practice in Chabad that non married women light only one candle before they get married (see Likkutei Sichos vol. 11 p. 289 ). However, in this case, since she has been accustomed to lighting two candles, it would not be proper to decrease from her set amount. This follows the Halachik axiom “we elevate in holiness and do not descend” (Shulchan Aruch ibid).


