What to do if Mikvah is scheduled for Tisha B’Av night?
So long as we are in Galus, Mikvah would be pushed off to Motzaei Tishah B’av.
All preparations should be done on Erev Tisha B’Av, including bathe, brush hair, clean teeth, and to thoroughly check yourself.
On Tishah B’Av you should avoid getting in contact with anything that might cause a Chatzizah. And not to go around barefoot.
After the fast you should wash yourself again, clean teeth, and brush your hair.
שו”ע סי’ תקנ”א סעי’ ט”ז, ועיין ש”ך שם סק”ו, ותקנ”ד ס”ח משנ”ב סקי”ח, וראה ספר טהרה כהלכה וש”נ.
אבל עיין שיעורי שבט הלוי סי’ קצ”ט ס”ד.
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