I’m trying to understand the prohibition of eating from the same plate while wife is Nida…
Does the issur apply only when the couple are eating together or even when one has finished eating and does it apply even when one spouse leaves the room?
A husband and wife are not allowed to eat from the same plate while the wife is a nida even if they are taking turns to eat from the plate.
This issur only applies while they are eating together, if however, the husband finished eating, the wife is allowed to continue eating from that plate.
P.S. Besides from the issur of eating together from the same plate, the husband is not allowed to eat the leftovers from his wife’s plate, this does not apply if the wife left the room.
ש”ך סי’ קצה סק”ד. סוגה בשושנים (וינד) פ”ד ס”ה.
רמ”א שם ס”ד. וראה שיעורי שה”ל שם אות ד.
Follow up Question:
I’m actually asking about a specific case: There is one plate which the wife is eating directly from, she then steps out of the room for a few minutes (to deal with the baby), she will return and continue eating. Is it ossur for me to eat directly from the plate when she is out of the room? (Regarding eating her leftovers, when she leaves the room – it is allowed. Also, there would be no heker requirement when she is out of the room).
It is prohibited.
דדומה למש”כ הש”ך סק”ד, דהוה כאוכל בקערה א’ בזה אחר זה. ול״ד לאכילת שירי׳ שכתב הסד״ט קצה, ח, שהוא משום דמראה חיבה וכשהלכה ליכא חיבה. וראה ערוה״ש קצה, יא. וגם להטעם מחמת שמהרהר אחרי׳ – ראה מרדכי שבת א, רלז, ושמא ירגילה לעבירה, ראה ב״י קצה, צ״ל דל״ש שלא בפני׳. אבל אכילה בקערה אחת אסורה לפי שמצ״ע היא דרך חיבה, שאכילה מקערה אחת מביא לידי הרגל דבר וחיבוב, ראה גם תשב״ץ ג, רעט.
ושו״ר שכ״כ בפשיטות בפרי שלום אייזנברג נדה ע׳ עא.