What Bracha do we make on Bamba? and on popcorn?


The Bracha on Bamba is Shehakol.

The Bracha of popcorn is Ha’adama.


Sources & Explanation:

ראה שוע״ר סי׳ ר״ב סי״ז, סדר ברה״נ פ״ז כב.

Some have argued that the Bracha of peanut products such as Bamba is Ha’adama because most of the peanut planting is done for such purposes, but many counter arguments were advanced to explain why the Bracha should still be Shehakol.

The main difference between Bamba and Popcorn is that (at least in most plants) Bamba is made from ground pieces of corn and peanuts that have already lost their natural form and also lost their original taste completely. See Seder Birchos Han’henin previously quoted.

וראה גם הלכה ברורה יוסף חלק י בשו״ת אוצרות יוסף י בארוכה.


