Are Rebbe Dreams really the Rebbe coming to you?


Although in general we don’t give dreams much significance these days, a dream in which a person sees a Tzadik and certainly in which a Chosid sees the Rebbe, is telling. The Friediker Rebbe related that chasidim traditionally made a celebration (farbrengen) after seeing the Rebbe in a dream. I suggest you discuss the dream with your Mashpia.

The Gemara says: one who sees Dovid in a dream should anticipate chasidus (piety), (one who sees) Shlomo should anticipate wisdom . . One who sees Rebbi (Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi) in a dream should anticipate wisdom, (one who sees) Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya should anticipate wealth . . One who sees Ben Azzai in a dream should anticipate piety, (one who sees) Ben Zoma should anticipate wisdom.

The Rebbe once related in the name of the Friediker Rebbe:

The Chosid Reb Zalman Zaltopolski, who was a Chosid of the Rebbe Maharash, had a strong longing to see the Rebbe Maharash after his Histalkus, and he consulted with the Rebbe Rashab about it. And at last – after following many preparations which the Rebbe Rashab instructed him to do, including sleeping with a Gartel, the Rebbe Maharash came to him in a dream.

The Rebbe explained: here was a chosid from previous generations, who worked hard to have this zechus, and now there is a young man who was involved in a not good thing and the Frierdiker Rebbe devoted himself to help him, to the extent that he came to him in a dream… this young man should consider where he is pulling the Rebbe into – his own mud (filth)…

While it is unclear what exactly the Rebbe is referring to, the zechus of seeing the Rebbe in a dream is quite clear, as well as the severity of seeing the rebbe due to negative behavior.

The Rebbe himself once interpreted a dream in which a women saw him telling her “nuts, nuts” (אגוזים אגוזים), that the Yidden are compared to nuts.

See also here:

I had a couple of disturbing dreams that I was doing something against halacha. is it something I should ignore or is there something I should do about it?



ברכות נז, ב. וראה לשמע אזן דוכמן ע׳ קמה (הוצ”ח ע’ 185) שאמר אדמו״ר מוהריי״צ לר’ מענדל עלקין מסמרגון, שבקבלה אצל חסידים בכל דור שכאשר רואים בחלום את הרביים עושים יומא טבא לרבנן עבור חלום כזה. וראה שיחת שמח”ת תשט”ו, נדפס בתורת מנחם חי”ג ע’ 76. וראה מה שפתר כ”ק אד”ש לאשה שחלמה שהרבי אמר לה “אגוזים אגוזים” – בחלוקת דולרים כה תמוז ה’תנש”א (‘זורע צדקות’ עמ’ 140). ובנוגע קיום ההוראות שבחלום – ראה כתי״ק במאוצר המלך ח”א ע׳ 91. ולהעיר מהנאמר גבי אליהו הנביא – “אשרי מי שראה פניו בחלום”. וראה עוד ב’התקשרות’ גל’ תרפא. סיפורי הריל״ג בבית משיח השבוע גל׳ 1219. ולהעיר גם מרשימות דברים חיטריק ח”ב ע׳ עג.


