What is the appropriate way for solid foods to be warmed on Shabbos?


The hot plate is electric and does not have any adjustment options.

Does the hot plate need to be covered with foil? Does the food need to go over a pot (and does that pot need to be full of food or is an empty pot good enough?)



See here:

Shabbos & the Hotplate

  1. Fully cooked dry foods may be re-heated on Shabbos (see link regarding covering the hotplate).
  2. Wet foods that are still warm may be re-heated on Shabbos (see link regarding covering the hotplate).
  3. According to the Alter Rebbe in the Siddur, any dry solid which will become wet through heating (like baked chicken that will have its gravy or fat “melt” into liquid when heated), is considered like liquid and may only be re-heated on Shabbos as outlined in #2.



#8779 (2)