How can I tell who is a trustworthy and reliable local seller of Tefillin which are truly Mehudar…


Not long ago there was an uproar about the kashrus of mezuzos sold in Crown Heights. I need to replace my Rashi Tefillin. How can I tell who is a trustworthy and reliable local seller of Tefillin which are truly Mehudar from a Chabad viewpoint or how to determine this.


Unfortunately, we cannot give a decisive answer to this question.

The issues brought up last year appear to be valid issues. We do not have currently the resources or information to guide you at this time.

As a general rule, price can often be a good gauging factor, though it not completely reliable, to determine the eligibility of a sofer. Generally, it best to buy from a sofer rather than from a Judaica merchant. You should ask to see the sofer’s credentials.

After purchasing from a sofer, it is recommended to have it checked independently by a magiah.

Some Sofrim are supervised by a Hashgacha, e.g. Mishmeres Stam. We cannot vouch for the reliability of any hashgacha but they may be able to help you with this.


For more info, see here

Article: How to Choose a Sofer?

Rabbonim Address Mezuzah Issue


