Hafrashas Challah when using the same dough for both Challah and cinnamon buns etc.



I recently heard that when one makes Hafrashas Challah on a dough, they should be careful to only use this dough for one purpose. Meaning, if one is making Challah, they should use the dough only for Challah, and not for cinnamon buns, pizza dough, etc. Is there a source for this?



When different doughs have different tastes to the extent they are particular when kneading that they don’t mix, then do not combine for the shiur for separating challah. One may not separate from one type of dough on the other.

Additionally, dough for bread is a clearer obligation for הפרשת חלה than dough of cakes and cinnamon buns which might have added juices and sugars. Dough for bread is done with a blessing. Separating dough for cakes is usually without a blessing.


Followup Question:

So if I’m making Challah and I will be using this dough primarily to make Challos, but I will also add cinnamon and sugar to a small part of the dough to make cinnamon buns, should I not count that part of the dough as part of the shiur for Hafrashas Challa, or should I refrain from using one dough for two purposes to begin with?



You may use one dough for two purposes.

If you only have a shiur when combining the two doughs, and you are particular they shouldn’t mix together but don’t mind if they touch, then separate without a Bracha.



Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 326:1 R. Akiva Eiger glosses to Taz 324:12.

ראה חלת לחם ה, טז. פתחא זוטא ה, ו. פמ״ג או״ח תנז במ״ז א. בית מאיר שם סק״ח. יד אפרים תקו על מג״א ח. אבני צדק הוספות ו. שפת אמת יו״ד שכו, א.


