If the Baal Korah is a Cohen and there is no other Cohen in the Minyan, who gets Shlishi for Bechukosai?


You have several options, listed in order of preference: 

1. Someone else should prepare the Kriah of that Aliya and he will take that Aliya (without being called up) and Lain the Aliya himself.

2. The Baal Koreh (the Cohen) should Lain the first three Aliyos as one, with the Baal Koreh taking that Aliya and then divide the four remaining Aliyos into six Aliyos.

3. A paid employee of the Shul should take the Aliya (without being called up).

4. Someone should be paid to take the Aliya (without being called up). There is no negativity associated with the Aliya if it’s a paid job.



היום יום ע’ נו, ספר המנהגים ע’ 44,  שו”ע או”ח סי’ תכ”ח סעי’ ו’ ובמ”א שם ס”ק ח’, שערי אפרים שער ז’ סעי’ כ”ג, משנה ברורה סי’ תכ”ח ס”ק י”ז ובביאור הלכה שם ד”ה “בפסוקים שלפניהם”, וראה מנחת אלעזר ח”א סי’ ס”ו.


