Can one open pages that are stuck together in a book, on Shabbos?


If they arrived from the printer with the pages attached due to it being uncut, it is prohibited to separate the pages.

If the pages were originally detached, and they later became stuck together, then it depends:

– If it was stuck together permanently/with intention, such as purposely gluing them together, it is prohibited to separate the pages.

– If it was stuck together non-permanently and there was no intention to stick it, such as due to dirt or residue, they may be separated.



Alter Rebbe’s Shulchon Aruch OC 340:17




Comments (2)

  • Chaim December 27, 2021 - 3 years ago

    I bought a new Chitas, which comes with gold decorated exegesis on the outside of the pages, some pages are stuck together slightly by their edges due to the gold decorations. Would that be allowed to separate on Shabbos?

    • AskTheRav December 27, 2021 - 3 years ago

      In this case, it is permitted, as explained above.

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