Eiruv Chatzeiros in a city that has a public Eiruv which Anash don’t rely on?



Is one required to make an Eiruv Chatzeiros for his shared domain with other Jews in a city where:

  1. there is a public Eiruv that most of Anash rely upon;
  2. there is one upon Anash don’t rely at all?



If the Eiruv is a good Eiruv that even Anash can rely upon, there is no need to make an Eiruv Chatzeiros since it is done by the Vaad HaEiruv.

If the Eiruv is not good for Anash to rely upon (due to Chumros, albeit it is Halachically acceptable) then an Eiruv Chatzeiros should be made, however no blessing is said.


