Joining a Minyan where they add Aliyos



I understand that minhag Chabad is to not add aliyos by Krias HaTotah on Shabbos, and it is possibly prohibited due to brachos lvatalah.

  1. Would it be permissible/advisable to get an added aliyah at such a minyan?
  2. Would it be permissible/advisable to act as the baal koreh at such a minyan?



There is no issue with acting as the baal koreh at a minyan on Shabbos day which is Mosif Extra Aliyos.

It is preferred not to get an added Aliyah at a minyan on Shabbos day which is Mosif Extra Aliyos. However, if they call you up, you should take the Aliyah. Best if you can read the Aliyah out loud in place of the Baal Koreh.


ראה שו”ת צ”צ או”ח סי’ לה בסוף התשובה.


