If one is stringent to not drink coffee that is bishul akum is it necessary to consider the coffee maker as non-kosher?



Our shul has a keurig machine and the pods are all kosher. I have seen non-Jewish visitors make themselves a cup of coffee using the machine.

Is it permitted for me to use this machine to make my own coffee or is it a contradiction of being stringent to only drink coffee that is bishul yisroel?



While there is reason to be machmir not to use the machine as well, you can choose to only be machmir not to drink the coffee but still be lenient regarding using the machine.



מדינא אין בו משום בישולי גויים אע”פ שהאריז”ל ועוד החמירו בדבר, ראה כאן:

והמחמיר אינו צריך להחמיר גבי הכלים שה״ז גופא שנוי במחלוקת. ואת״ל, ה״ז ס״ס בדרבנן. ובכלל, בכל חומרא אין הכרח להחמיר לגבי הכלים – ראה עד״ז כאן:

Does Pas Akum Make My Oven Treif?


