Can one give Tzedaka to other Mosdos/causes, or even the same Mosad if one owes tuition or is receiving a discount?


Should the goal be to first pay full tuition before committing other moneys (maaser or otherwise) to tzedaka?



If you owe a debt, including tuition, and do not have a payment schedule, and it has come time to pay and you do not have money for both, you should repay the debt before giving Tzedaka. You should still calculate your Maaser and write down the rest to be paid to tzedakah at a later date when you will be able to afford it.

This does not apply in a case where you negotiated a reduced tuition plan (although it is appropriate to prioritize and support the mosdos which your children are learning in).

Tzedaka money should only go to the poor.

Regarding using masser money for tuition, see here:

May one use Ma’aser money to pay for tuition?


ראה שוע”ר הל’ מלוה ולוה ס”ה. שו”ע יו”ד סי’ רמ”ח ש”ך ס”ק א’ ובסי’ רנ”א סעיף ג’, ובאגרות קודש חלק י”ז ע’ רס”ב, חלק כ”ז ע’ צ”א, וחלק י”ח ע’ שפ”ג, ועוד.


