Spending for Shabbos



We know the Chazal say that what you spend for Shabbos does not go into the cheshbon.

Does this apply to just food or also all Shabbos needs?

For example, I want to buy my wife a Leichter. Can I rely on this to spend as much as I can afford for it to be the most beautiful possible?

Is the fact that I’m buying it to make my wife happy take away from buying it Likovod Shabbos?



It applies not only to  food but all shabbos needs, provided the individual’s intention is for kavod Shabbos and he has trust in Hashem that he will repay.
However, this applies only if it’s based on the persons current financial level and his regular spending habits. It  does not apply if one will have to borrow money for this unless he has objects he can use as a collateral.


Sources – see here:

Silk Kapoteh On Shabbos


