Q&A @ Rebbe Coin Necklaces in the Bathroom


Q: Is it permitted to enter a bathroom while wearing a necklace or bracelet that has the Rebbe’s dime on it?

A: It should be covered when entering the bathroom and similar places. An easy solution is to put it under the shirt (sleeve if it’s a bracelet) when entering such places. Of course, it should be treated with respect, including not touching certain parts of the body.


Q: Does it need to be double covered, or is putting it under one’s clothing enough?

A: No need to double cover it.


Q: If just having a covering (i.e., when not putting under the clothing), can it be clear/transparent?

A: It should not be.


Q: What if it’s covered with tinted glass, i.e. colored glass?

A: The idea is that it shouldn’t be seen in the bathroom. I assume that even with the tinted glass cover it can be seen.



P.S.: Please see here regarding Shabbos: 

Can a Rebbe dime necklace be worn on Shabbos?


