Can I automatically deduct Ma’aser from my paycheck?



If I work for an organization where I get paid on the basis of how much I work, am I able to clock less time than what I actually worked with the intention to give the unpaid money back to the organization as ma’aser?

For example, if I worked 10 hours, to earn $100, would I be allowed to just write that I worked for 9 hours, get paid $90, and be yotzei giving ma’aser?

And if the answer to the above is yes, what if I did that inadvertently?



For the mitzva of ma’aser, the main part is separating (see Likutei Sichos vol 2 pg. 652 and Sicha of Parashas Nasso 5748). Thus one should actually receive the full payment and then separate ma’aser from that.



לכמה דעות צ״ל הפרשה (#8087). ובנדו״ד אין לא הפרשה ולא מעשה נתינה. ומעיקר הדין אין מחילת חוב מועילה למעשר כספים ונמצא אצלנו כאן:

Someone borrowed $500 dollars from me a while ago and I know that they don’t have the means of paying me back. Can I deduct that money from maaser money that I would owe and then forget about what they owe me?

וכש”כ כאן שמלכתחילה לא קיבל הריוח. ואף את״ל דמהני – רק בתנאי שיש לו ברירה לקבל המשכורת ואינו מוכרח לעשות באופן כזה.


