How can I say Hatov V’Hameitiv over wine at the Purim Seudah, or at a regular meal?


When one has two wines, they should make a Beracha Boreh Pri Hagafen on the better wine, even if this means that they would not be able to make a Hatov V’Hameitiv.

If during the meal you drink from a second (different) bottle of wine, the Beracha of Hatov V’Hameitiv is recited if you are drinking together with company like with one’s family or friends and they are also partaking from both wines.

If it is necessary to make the Beracha of Boreh Pri Hagafen on the second wine, the Beracha of Hatov V’Hameitiv is recited first.

This is only if you are drinking from the second bottle because it has a better taste or quality, or even if you don’t know whether the second type is better, but not because the first bottle finished. In fact, you must have some of the first bottle left. If you know for a fact that the second wine is worse than the first, this bracha isn’t recited.

If the second wine is of lesser quality, the Beracha of Hatov V’Hameitiv is not said unless it is white wine and it is just a little worse in which case it is said. However, if the white wine is of such inferior quality which he would drink it with difficulty, the Beracha is not said.

The Beracha is not said if one was drinking white wine and then red wine unless one is sure that the second wine is better than the first. Similarly, the Beracha is not said if one was drinking old wine and then new wine unless one is sure that the second wine is as good as the first.

If you are bentching on the second wine, Hatov V’Hameitiv is not said.



סבה”נ פי”ב, יג – כא.

והנה, בלוח יא, י משמע שהטעם לפי שאין מתכוונים לו בשביל שהוא יין אחר אלא בשביל שכלה הראשון. ומשמע שבאופן שמתכוונים לו בשביל שהוא יין אחר אף בכלה הראשון מברך. אבל בסברה״נ שם יח שינה הלשון, ומשמע להדיא שמברך רק כשיש לו מן הראשון.


