Halacha & the COVID-19 vaccine



I received a message on my WhatsApp from… explaining why the COVID vaccine is not to be used. I am definitely hesitant about taking it. I am curious to know what the Halacha is regarding this vaccination.



I’ll wait to hear what our doctors will tell us before forming an opinion on this matter. I cannot give a final conclusive opinion without doing proper due research.

For a general analysis (in Hebrew) on the matter of vaccination according to halacha, including the COVID vaccine, see the attached document.

See also here:

Halakha Approaches the COVID-19 Vaccine

For more about vaccinations, see here:

Dear Rabbi… My open letter to you regarding vaccination

Is it permissible for a Jew to benefit from medicine which directly utilizes aborted (non-Jewish) children to create the product?


PS FYI, the individuals you’re quoting have come out against various Piskei Dinim of multiple rabbonim, among them Gedolei Haposkim of our generation, including in matters associated with pikuach nefesh, against safety precautions and against vaccines in general, thus I wouldn’t take seriously anything that they say on the matter. Additionally, a lot of the nonsense they are spewing forth has long been discredited.


וראה גם:

מש”כ בזה הרב אשר ווייס.

ומש”כ בזה הרב יצחק שטיין.

ומצו”ב גם גליון נוה ההיכל.

ספר ‘ורפא ירפא’

החיל והחוסן

בי דינא דאסרי חיסונא

