Using Copyrighted Seforim on a Tablet



Some people have on their tablets copyrighted Seforim like Artscroll Shas etc. They get it from Otzar Hachachma. Is it permitted for me to get these Seforim from someone and use them?



This is permitted provided you receive permission from the copyright holder, or you own an Otzar hard drive. The reason is that in this case there is no loss of profits to the publisher, for it does not make sense to purchase a second time for a different usage of the same product.



זכויות יוצרים – שו”ת צמח צדק חו”מ ע, ט. שער המילואים ח”ד קמב.

בדיני מקח וממכר – הכל כמנהג המדינה. וראה שו״ת שבה״ל ד, רב. וראה מה שכתבנו כאן:

Copyright with Seforim


