What are the Halochos when a woman gives birth? How long do we stay separated? Does it start from when the mucus plug comes out? Difference between boy and girl. Am I allowed to help her if no one is around?


When does the Nidda status begin? 

If any of the following take place:

  • Having steady 5 minutes apart contractions.
  • Can’t walk unaided.
  • Seeing blood.
  • Ready to push etc.

Water breaking is a concern only if accompanied with blood or steady contractions.

The mucus plug coming out is a conceren only if it’s tinged with blood.

One should avoid being in room even when she isn’t a Niddah if there is lack of Tznius as per answer of the Rebbe.


Am I allowed to help her if no one is around? 

In general, you should make arrangements that there should be help even if this means that you would have to spend a lot of money and hire someone.

If there is a great need and it is not possible to get someone even for a lot of money, you may help her with what is necessary, care should be taken not to touch her directly but with a cloth.

If it is a case of a emergency, no calculations should be made and you should provide her with all care necessary until help arrives.


א. שו”ת רדב”ז ד, ב.

ב. רמ”א קצה, טז: “אם צריכה הרבה לכך”. שיעורי שבט הלוי עמ’ רעו. ואף להיש מחמירים שדוקא היכא דיש סכנה הדבר מותר – עיין שערי טוהר שער טו, כא. שערי דעת שם, יז. שו”ת מנחת יצחק חלק ה, סי’ כז – הכא הרי היא חולה שיש בה סכנה. אבל אין מתירים כשאין צורך.

ג. כ”כ בטהרה כהלכה (יד, הערה *268) דכ”נ פשוט.


How long do we stay separated? 

As soon as the bleeding stops, if five days have passed from the birth, she can perform a Hefsek Tahara, count 7 days, and immerse in a mikvah, as usual. (After the birth of a girl, one must wait seven days before performing the Hefsek, or alternatively wait the regular five days before performing the Hefsek and then nine days after the Hefsek before immersion).

However, based on doctor’s orders to avoid intimacy the first few weeks after birth due to weakness, women usually wait approximately 6 weeks before immersion.

During this time all Harchakos are in effect.


