I walk too far from Shul to walk there on Shabbos…



I live 1 hour and 15 minute walk from Shul. I drive there during the week. I feel uncomfortable walking there mincha & maariv at night. only Shachris do I feel comfortable during daylight. Am I exempted from going Shabbos and Yom Tov? For mincha and maariv ? Is the distance enough?



One is only required to walk up to 18 or 24 minutes in order to Daven with a Minyan. If it’s on you route, on the way to work etc., you are required to walk up to 72 (or 96) minutes.

Although one may (and is encouraged to) go out of the way to Daven with a Minyan, one need not do this when walking alone and at night.

If not davening with the Minyan, one should at least try to daven at the same time as the Minyan.



שו”ע אדה”ז צ, יז במוסגר. משנ”ב שם סקנ”ב. קצוה”ש סימן יג בדה”ש סעיף ב וסעיף ד.

וראה אצלנו בשאלה 976. ושם גם ע״ד החשבון בדקות.

