How does one keep all of the Halochos associated with Davening, in 770?


Full Question:

How is it possible to keep the Halochos of not walking in front of someone during Davening? Not to do עושה שלום if someone behind you is Davening? Do I have to answer each Kedusha I hear when I pass by a Minyan on my way out of 770? Do I have to be Makpid on all of these Halachos in 770 during packed times, or is there some leniency?



Walking in front of someone during Davening:

It is forbidden to pass within 4 Amos in front of someone Davening Shemoneh Esrei, since the one passing might distract the one Davening. The Chachmei HaZohar forbid passing on the sides as well.

However, there are a few leniencies that, although not preferred, according to some opinions can be relied on as reasons to allow passing someone who is Davening. They include:

  • If the person is Davening right in the middle of the Shul, or in a pathway in which others need to pass.
  • Going to do a Mitzvah that one will not be able to do later. For example, Davening with a Minyan, to get to hear Kaddish, Borchu, or Krias HaTorah, or to go learn Torah.

For more on this subject, see here: #717: The Constraints of Cutting Across a Crowded Shul

שוע”ר סי’ קב, וראה בפסק”ת שם ס”ק ג ובהערות.

כשמתפלל באמצע הבהכ”נ או במקום שרבים עוברים – הגהות מהרש״ם סי’ קב (הובא בלקט ציונים והערות).


Not to do עושה שלום if someone behind you is Davening:

If one completed Shemoneh Esrei, and another person is still Davening Shemoneh Esrei behind him, he is not allowed to take the three steps back until the person behind him finishes his Davening. This applies even if the person behind him started Shemoneh Esrei after he did.

Once the person in front finished the second Yiyhu L’Ratzon, he should momentarily separate his feet and then he can answer Boruch Hu U’Voruch Shmo and Amen, as well as Kedushah. Once the person behind him finishes, he may take three steps back and say Oseh Shalom. If necessary, he may take three steps to the side before the person behind him finishes.

See the link above for more details.

How should I take three steps back before Shemoneh Esrei, if someone else is in middle of the Amidah?



שוע”ר שם. ובנוגע לעקירת רגליו – הובא בס’ שמירת התפלה (ע’ 169) ש’אע”פ שלא עקר רגליו בפועל’ מותר לענות אמן. אבל מדברי רבינו נראה שיש לעקור רגליו בפועל. ולכאורה משמע קצת שצריך גם לפסוע ג׳ פסיעות, וכמ״ש בסי’ קכב סעי’ א בסוגריים: ‘ולענות כל  דבר שבקדושה אבל לא דבר אחר עד שיעקור רגליו שהרי אפי’ לזוז ממקומו אסור עד שיפסע ג׳  פסיעות לאחוריו’. וצ”ע. אבל ראה סה״ש תש״ד ס״ע 161.

פסיעות לצדדין – הובא בלקט ציונים והערות סי’ קכג מיומא נג, ‘דכהנים היו מצדדין פניהם וכו’.


Answering Kedushah when passing by a Minyan:

If one already answered Kedushah but hears a Minyan saying Kedushah, he should stop and say it with them.

See here for more details and similar cases: #624: I’m in middle of learning; should I stop to answer Kaddish?

All of the above applies in all Shuls, even when they are full.



שוע”ר סי’ קכה סעי’ ד.

וראה בזה בקצוה”ש הערות למעשה ע’ ס: ‘וכיום נתרופף קיום הלכה זו וכמעט אין מי שמשגיח בזה…’.


