Changing to Alternative Medicine


When someone who has been following conventional medicine discovers the existence of an alternative medication that may help them, the halachah is that they must ensure the following two conditions are met:

  1. The person has thoroughly researched the alternative medication, confirming that there is no concern of avodah zarah, any aspect of idol worship. This research is necessary as some alternative medications originate from dubious foreign sources.
  2. The actual treatment has been evaluated, since before a person switches from a conventional treatment to an alternative one, the latter needs to be proven safe and effective. In halachah, there is the concept of ismachi gavrah v’iasmachi kemeiah, that both the practitioner who performs the treatment must have a good healing track record, and the type of treatment has been proven safe and effective in the treatment of prior patients.

Once these conditions have been met, a person may al pi halachah, with the guidance of a rav, move on from a conventional treatment to an alternative one.




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