Are women obligated in Machatzis Hashekel?



Are women obligated in Machatzis Hashekel on Taanis Ester?

If yes, is a women’s obligation fulfilled through her husband?

Also, should a father give Machatzis Hashekel for his baby?



Women are not obligated in giving Machatzis Hashekel.

However, some give on behalf of their wives and children (even babies) – this custom is mentioned in the Rebbe’s sichos. One who has begun this Minhag must continue to do so until they reach the age that they are obligated on their own (13 or 20; different opinions), unless they stipulated the first time that this is done Bli Neder.

The Rebbe spoke on 24 Adar Rishon 5752 that it would be good if parents would educate their children to give Machatzis Hashekel from their own  money.



מג”א תרצד, ג.

וראה כף החיים (שם, אות כז) ובס’ דרכי חיים ושלום (פורים, אות תתמג). ספר המנהגים חב”ד מנהגי פורים (ב״מנהגי האדמו״ר״). שיחת תענית אסתר תשמ”ט. וראה שיחות קודש תשנ”ב, ב ע’ 788.


