Men Greeting Woman



It’s known that a man should not say hello to a woman. What if she said hello to me, what do I do? And is a man allowed to say hello to his niece and sister in-law?



In a place where the custom is to say hello to a women, it is commendable to say hello as well as reply to greetings, as this is not a greeting that contains any promiscuity, or affection, and on the contrary may result in a desecration of G-d’s name.

In a place where it’s not the custom, its prohibited to say hello, as this is a portrayal of affection, replying should be respectful and curt.

To family members (sister-in-law, niece) one may say hello, and speak work related speech only, and minimizing small talk as this leads to issues.


ראה עזר מקודש אה״ע כא, ו. ערוה״ש שם ח. שו״ת מהרם שיק אה״ע נג. בן יהוידע קידושין ע, א. קובץ תשובות ב, כ.


