Should I say Tachanun even though the Minyan I’m Davening with isn’t saying (or vice versa)?



I’m a Lubavitcher, When davening mincha with a satmar minyan when they particularly don’t say tachnun during mincha, do I skip tachanun or do I say it after or before their minyan?



You should say Tachanun but in a manner that doesn’t call attention to your behavior.


Regarding reciting the 13 Middos, please see here: 

If you started Tachanun with Minyan but they have already said 13 Attributes, and you decided to go at your own pace, do you say 13 attributes normally or with Trop?



אג״ק טו ע׳ נח.

ובכלל, בענין חילוקי מנהגים בתחנון, וע״ד הנמצא במקום שמנהגם לומר תחנון וכן להיפך – ראה מה שהרחבנו בשאלה 557.





See Also:

I will be davening in a Shul that says Hallel/no Tachanun on Yom Yerushalayim. How Should I conduct myself?


If I daven on 12-13 Tammuz in a Minyan that says Tachanun and I do not say Tachanun on these days, I just skip it, right?