Minhag of feeding the birds on Shabbos Shira



The Rebbe mentioned (Shabbos Parshas Beshalach 5747) the Minhag of feeding the birds on Shabbos Shira, adding והלואי היו מחדשים עתה מנהג זה בכל קהילות ישראל.

However, the following year the Rebbe said not to publicize the Minhag:

לא להעתיק כ”ז עתה – כי כנראה נשתקע המנהג לגמרי וכשם שמצוה כו’ כך כו’.
(ליקוט מענות קודש – ו’ שבט תשמ”ח)

The next year (Shabbos Parshas Beshalach 5749) the Rebbe brought it down again, saying that בפועל we don’t do this minhag. The Rebbe quotes the Alter Rebbe:

“יש נוהגים לתת חטים לפני העופות בשבת שירה, ואינו נכון שהרי אין מזונותיהם עליך”.
(שו”ע אדה”ז או”ח שכד, ח)



As a Morah, can I do a project with my class for Shabbos Shira, if the girls put it out BEFORE Shabbos?



The reason one should not put out the food on Shabbos, is so that we do not “burden” ourselves on the day of rest for animals that we are not responsible for. It follows that there is no issue with putting it out before shabbos.

It’s important to note also, that while the Rebbe negated this minhag (as you quoted), He encouraged teaching and explaining the idea and its reason to the children.


