Is the Chevra Kadisha fast day considered a public fast day?



Is 15 Kislev considered a taanis yochid or taanis tzibur? Do we have to be mekabel taanis? Does the answer depend if we have a minyan of people fasting, or if we have a minyan for krias haTorah?



According to some opinions, it’s considered a Taanis Tzibur, therefore one should not rinse out their mouth like all Taanios Tzibur. However there are some opinions that it is a Taanis Yochid, therefore one should be Mekabel the Taanis by Mincha the day before.

It is a Taanis Tzibur according to those opinions, even if there is no Minyan fasting in your area.

Kerias Hatorah and all things related to a Minyan is done only in presence of a Minyan of men that are fasting.


ראה דרכי חסד ע’ קנ. ועוד.


