Two women need to light Shabbos candles and there are only two candles in total. What should they do?



If two women need to light Shabbos candles and there are only two candles in total what is the preferred action:

Should they both hold the match and light together and make the Bracha together? Should one light one candle and the other one light the other candle? Should they then make individual Brachos? Should one light both candles and make the Bracha and then the other one then extinguishes the candles and relights them and make a Bracha?



They can each light one candle and make their own Bracha. Alternatively, one of them will light both candles and make the Bracha on behalf of both women.

The other two options mentioned are not acceptable.



שמעיקר הדין סגי בנר א׳ – ראה אדה״ז רסג בקו״א ד וקו״א ה.

ולמנהג האשכנזים מברכים על תוספת אורה – ראה בארוכה במ״מ כאן:

Halacha #616: I’m invited out; where do I light Shabbos candles? 

ומסתבר שאין חובה עלי׳ לוותר וליתן נר א׳ לחברתה, כיון שאין חובה על כאו״א להדליק.


