Is it disrespectful to wear Tzitzis while doing an intense workout and the Tzitzis literary become soaking wet with sweat?



I saw some poskim that discuss wearing tzitzis even while sweaty and it being ok. What about a situation where the person is doing an intense workout and the tzitzis literary become soaking wet with sweat, is that a bizayon to the tzitzis, similar to dragging them on the floor that halacha prohibits?



One should wear Tzitzis at all times (except when showering etc.) This includes also times when it will be sweaty.

The Rebbe writes to someone asking that while working his Tzitzis get very dirty, that he should try to make sure as much as reasonably possible that it doesn’t get dirty (perhaps in the case of a workout he should wear it above his regular shirt this way it won’t be as sweaty). Another thing the Rebbe mentions is to have a second pair for davening and Shabbos/Yom tov.


See also here: #515: How important is it to wear a Tallis katan at all times? מ״מ

אג”ק חי”ז ע’ כז. וראה שו”ת צי”א חי”ד סי’ מט בס”ק ב ובשו”ת אז נדברו ח”ב סי’ נה.


