Moving into a house previously lived in by a Jew who did not keep kosher. Treif working dishwasher. Can it be Kashered?


A. The standard approach is to be stringent and not Kasher a dishwasher due to the various concerns, primarily because it is not likely that the hot water cycle will reach 212 Fahrenheit, which is the boiling point to do Hagalah.


ראה הנסמן בשאלה 468.


Q. If I pour boiling water and change the racks, is that sufficient? Or is there something else I should do to meet the kashering standards?


A. It can be kashered either via libun kal which involves cleaning the dishwasher well, not using it for 24 hours and then heating the walls using a blowtorch to the temperature of Yad Soledes Bo (approximately 45 degrees celsius or 113 Fahrenheit), or hagola, specifically irui v’even meluban, which involves cleaning the dishwasher well, not using it for 24 hours and then pouring boiling water on all walls while simultaneously placing a red hot stone or plugged in electric iron on the areas where the water is falling. After Kashering it should be rinsed in cold water.

In places where Hagola is hard to be done properly, like the top of the dishwasher or in hard-to-reach places and crevices, Libun should be done.

These methods can be used for the racks as well.



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