Is this Menorah ok for the Amud in a Shul?



This question should be addressed to the Rov of that particular Shul.

However, I would point out a few points:

  • Six lights – There is no problem with having as many lights as one wishes around the Amud. However, one should follow the local custom. the Chabad Minhag is to have 5 candles in front of the Amud. This custom is observed with an electrical candelabra too. This applies for a chiyuv; otherwise, the custom is to light two candles.
  • Round Branches – see Likkutei Sichos 21 page where the Rebbe Discusses at length that the Menorah in the Beis Hamikdash had diagonal branches. The Rebbe suggested that the same should be done for Chanukah menorahs. The reason suggested there however would not apply to a candelabra at the Amud.
  • Magen David – see Question #4318 at length.


מספר הנרות – אג”ק כרך טז עמ’ יב. שיחת יט״כ תשי״א. ספר המנהגים דלקמן. וראה רשימות חו׳ קפג.

ובמנורה חשמלית – ספר המנהגים ע׳ 8 בהערה.

מנורה עגולה – ראה לקו״ש כא ע׳ 169 הע׳ 44.
