Brachos when drinking from a water bottle (or coffee) throughout the day



What are the guidelines for brachos rishonos and achronos for someone who likes to drink from a water bottle throughout the day?

And is it the same for a cup of coffee that one brings from room to room, or sometimes leaves it in a room and comes back after different tasks, longer or shorter?



If you change places, when eating or drinking any kind of food or drink (except on something that you make a meyein shalosh or birchas hamazon), even though your mind was not distracted [from the food], it is considered as though your mind was distracted [from the food]. Consequently, if you eat or drink in one room and then move to another room, in order to conclude your eating and drinking there, even if the food is of the same kind [with which you began the meal], you must repeat the preceding brachah there.

The exception to this is if you had explicit intention to continue eating or drinking in another room in the same house or within the same yard, in such a case you don’t need to make another brachah rishonah.

However, the brachah achronah over what you have eaten before [in the first room] is not required, for the after-brachah [of the entire meal] will suffice for both.


עפ”י קצשו”ע סי’ נ סעי’ יג, וסדברה”נ פרק ט סעי’ יא-טו.


