Early Ma’ariv



  1. If one lives in a place where the only Minyan for Mariv is before Tzeis, should they Daven early with the Minyan or individually at the Zman?
  2. Does the fact that they have missed Mariv due to waiting for Tzeis affect the ruling?
  3. The same person does not go to the only Minyan for Shacharis at 6:45am.



1. Being that you Davened Mariv in the past after Tzeis Hacochovim you should continue doing so – even if it means not Davening with a Minyan – as long you continuously are Makpid to do so.

However, you should attend the Minyan, answer Barchu Kaddish etc., even though you are not Davening with them.

See also Halacha2go #173.

See also here:

1. What would be preferred, to Daven Maariv early with a Minyan (in a case where one Davened Mincha after Plag), or to Daven Beychidus after Tzeis? 2. In general from what time can one start Davening Maariv Lechatchila?

2. One should do everything in one’s power to make sure that such a thing does not happen. If there is a chance one might miss Maariv, then one should Daven earlier. Nonetheless, one must recite Shema later after Tzeis.

3. This has no relevance to this question. Of course, it is very important to attend Shacharis.


