Eating Food Under a Table in a Sukkah
Recently I had a conversation with someone, in which he told me that someone told him that when it rains he places a table on top of his table so his food will not get all wet. I don’t know if the table is ten tefachim high or he lowers it to less than that, or if that even makes a difference. If there any concern that he may lower his head under the table therefore potentially eating out of the sukkah? Is it even a concern considering that it’s raining and in essence one is patur from sukkah, however, we still eat inside because of the minhag…
The food should not be covered in this manner, unless part of the table is not covered by the table above it or there is less than ten tefachim gap between the top and bottom table.
Additionally, this may not be done on Shabbos or Yom Tov even under those conditions because of asi’as ohel.
P.S. Eating with one’s head also beneath the covering might not be considered eating inside the Sukkah, and thus should be avoided (even in rainy conditions, for those who follow the custom of not consuming anything outside the Sukkah).
Please see more on the following pages:
Question in regards to construction of a “Ohel” (Shelter) on Shabbos
Just to clarify, when you say it should not be covered in this manner, you are saying because of dinei sukkah
Correct unless done with the conditions mentioned
and then saying that in general because of asias ohel this cannot be done on shabbos or yom tov.
Even under those conditions. Correct.
Did I understand that correctly?
As above
Regarding the P.S. in this case the person eating is not eating under the table, only his food is under the table. You are saying it’s still a problem?
In the PS we mentioned an additional problem when the person is also under the table. That’s why it’s in a PS.