Daily Rambam: Listen to 3 Perkaim Shiur or Study 1 Perek



Is it better to learn 3 Perakim Rambam daily through an audio shiur (not live), or to learn 1 Perek but actually read the words out of a Sefer?



Either way has its pros and cons.

In practice you should learn 3 Perakim through the audio shiur and you should verbalize the words while listening to the shiur. If this is impossible, there is still preference to just listening to the audio, as when learning 3 Perakim one is actually learning more Torah, as well fulfilling the main takanah of learning Rambam. Also, there are aspects of limmud haTorah which are fulfilled when listening to a shiur too, namely yedias haTorah which is the main purpose of limmud HaRambam. Arguably it can be be considered as one who can’t verbalize the words of Torah and thus one still fulfills the mitzvah of ve’limadtem osam etc.

See more in the footnotes here:

Do I need to make Birchos HaTorah before listening to a shiur?


וראה אג״ק ו ע׳ שמא בנוגע לחולה בשיעורי חת״ת. וראה בארוכה אצלנו קובץ הארבעים ע׳ תיח. ושם ס״ע תיט – בנוגע שיעור רמב״ם.


