Can I use Maaser money to buy a Mivtzoim Menorah?



Can I use maaser money to buy a mivtzoim menorah that goes on top of the car for me to have it on my car during Chanukah?

If it changes anything, this will also enhance the chinuch of my children in addition to of course have the ability to be doing more mivtzoim and pirsumei nisa



It is permissible to use Ma’aser money for such a purpose (not the chinuch purpose), provided it is understood that the menorah belongs to tzedakah, and it is not your personal item.

If for whatever reason you do not plan on using it on your car anymore, you should give it to someone else to use on their car for this purpose.


See also here: 

If the reason I would buy a Megillah is only for Mivtzoim, may I pay for it with Maaser?


