Can I use an inflatable pool for a men’s Mikvah?



Can I use a tub of water (e.g. an inflatable pool) for a men’s Mikvah? And what are things that I can do to make it better, like attach it to the ground etc?



Preferably, a Mikvah should be built in a fashion of a building, not with any sort of Keli, whether it was a Keli before bolting it or if it was made into a Keli after bolting it.

If this is not possible, you may make a hole in the bottom of the bucket, then attach it to the ground, and then fill the hole with cement.

The minimal size of the hole is one Tefach by one Tefach – a little more than Three inches by three inches. After it is connected to the ground you can fill the hole with cement or glue that would hold up the water. As the hole is quite big it would not be practical to use glue, but it may be used if it is waterproof and it would hold up the water.

The hole must be on the bottom of the bucket. You do not need to connect it to the ground by place of the hole.


For information on a men’s Mikvah see here:



שו”ע יו”ד רא, ו-ז ובפתחי תשובה ס”ק ז שם.

וראה דיני תיקוני המקוה ועשייתה לאדה”ז. שו״ת הצ״צ יו״ד קע. שם קעה. שם קעו, חלק ב. שם חלק ג, א. שם שלה. וראה הנסמן בס׳ מקוה מים ע׳ קסז.


