Skipping Parts of Davening



I have a friend (who is slowly increasing in observance) who suffers from anxiety. He recently started davening on a regular basis and often finds it difficult to finish the whole shacharis.

Are there parts he can skip? Is there an order of priority he can follow depending on how much he feels he can do that day? Can he say any parts skipped at a later time?



The Shulchan Aruch when discussing which parts of davening to skip when coming late to davening gives preference to certain parts of davening. Even though it is not our minhag to skip any parts of davening, in this situation one should follow that order. Here is the list in order of priority:

  1. Shema and Shmeno Esrei
  2. Birchos Hashachar
  3. Birchos Krias Shema
  4. Baruch She’amar, Ashrei and Yishtabach. (If they are not going to do at least Ashrei, they shouldn’t say Baruch She’amar and Yishtabach.)
  5. The Hallelukahs. Preference is given to Halelu kel b’kodsho. Then, halelu Hashem min hashomayim. Then, the rest.
  6. Mizmor L’sodah.
  7. Vayevorech Dovid until Lshem Tifartecha.
  8. Hodu untill Romemu Hashem Elokeinu.
  9. Vayosha and Az Yoshir
  10. The rest of Hodu and Yehi Chevod.
  11. Mizmor Shir Chanukas, Hashem Melech, Lamnatzeiach Binginos

Then, add on as you are able.

If able to say the parts one skipped after davening, one should do so except for Baruch She’amar and Yishtabach.



שו”ע או״ח סי’ נב. ובנו״כ שם – ראה מקו״ח שם. א״ר שם ב. חיי״א יט, ה. ערוה״ש שם ו. תורת חיים סופר שם ב. ועוד. (וראה בערוה״ש שם ז ותורת חיים שם וכן באפיקי מגינים שכתבו להקדים ויושע לפני הודו). וכ״ה גם בחולה וחלוש – ראה מקו״ח שם בקיצור הלכות. וראה אשכבתא דרבי ע׳ 89 ובהערה נב. ויען אשר אין אתנו יודע עד מה בטעם ההנהגה לא מלאני לבי לפסוק כן לדינא.

ובענין ההשלמה – משנ”ב שם סק”ח.


