Can I use Ma’aser money to check and fix my Teffilin?


Generally, Maaser money cannot be used for obligatory Mitzvos or causes but may be used for Hiddur Mitzvos in certain cases.

Subsequently, if the checking is being done because there is a concern for the status of the Tefillin etc., Maaser money should not be used. Otherwise, if they’re being checked as a way of “beautifying the Mitzvah”, it may be used. One should ideally use one third from their own money.

However, this is only if they were checked already twice in seven years, i.e. every three and a half years approximately. If they were not checked then, it’s an obligatory mitzvah, and one may not use Maaser money.

Additionally, if one has committed himself to check every year, or has done so three years consecutively, they may not use Maaser money.

Furthermore, if one had already decided to check this year and didn’t intend to use Maaser money, they may not use it.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by “fixing”. If it’s fixing an issue which compromises the Kashrus of the Tefillin etc., Maaser money should not be used. Otherwise, if it’s a “fixing” which merely involves improving the beauty of the Tefillin (such as fully closing the boxes after the Tefillin were checked), or if it’s considered a halachic hiddur, Maaser money may be used.



גם לדעות שלהידור מצוה אין לשלם ממעשר – וראה אצלנו 6359 – היינו שחייב בהידור מצוה מה״ת, משא״כ בכיו״ב.

ובפרט שגוף החפץ קנה מחולין – ראה אצלנו 1590. ואף להמנהג והוראת רבינו לבדוק כל יב״ח – וראה אצלנו 1130 בכיו״ב – בכגון דא שההוראה אינה על התשלומין אלא על גוף ההידור לית לן בה.




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