What Kitzur Shulchan Aruch-style sefer would be the most accurate to learn for Halacha?



What Kitzur Shulchan Aruch-style sefer or seforim would be the most accurate for a Lubavitcher to learn for halacha l’maaseh? The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch with the Alter Rebbe’s piskei dinim, the Ketzos HaShulchan (which was just reprinted), or are there more recent ones?



They are both great, though the footnotes in Ketzos hashulchan are probably for someone on an advanced level.

A few guidelines in general:

In many areas, the Psak of the Alter Rebbe is not much different than that of other Poskim. In those instances where it is, it is often indicated in some of the Seforim. For example, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch has been published with Psakim of the Alter Rebbe1.

There are many recent Halacha Seforim written by Lubavitcher Rabbonim which can be bought. Check in your local Jewish bookstore.

Regarding topics not mentioned by the Alter Rebbe at all: We try to Pasken based on rules and guidelines learned from other areas, or from general “klalei hapsak” presented by the Poskim. Also as stated above, in many areas the Psak of the Alter Rebbe is not much different than that of other Poskim. So for example, for Halachos of Chanuka, Purim or 3 weeks we generally follow the Mishna Berura.


See also:

Halacha #302: How to Reach a Conclusion When Poskim Differ?




  1. Many people were instructed by the Rebbe to learn Kitzur Shulchan Aruch with the commentary Misgeres Hashulchan, which, among other things, incorporates very often the rulings of the Alter Rebbe.