Chazoras Hashatz with less than the original six Mispalelim



We started Shmone Esrei with six mispalelim, now we are ready to start Chazoras Hashatz and we have ten others to answer. Do we need to have all of those original six mispalelim available there (and able to answer) in order for the Chazan to say Chazoras haShatz?



No. Even if some of the original six left (or are in middle of Shmoneh Esrei and unable to answer), as long as they were replaced with others, Chazoras Hashatz may be done.



ע״פ שו״ת אמרי יושר ח״ב ס״ט ושו״ת מנח״י ח״א סי׳ נ״ז. וראה פסק״ת סס״ט סק״א ובהנסמן שם בהע׳ 13 והע׳ 3.


