Can a woman play an instrument in public?



A lady who recently became observant used to play a musical instrument and give concerts in front of a general, mixed audience. Is it OK to continue doing so, or is it not tznius? She does not sing.



First of all, it is forbidden for anyone to perform for, or attend a performance in, a mixed audience.

Additionally, it is forbidden for women to perform in front of men. This refers to doing any special skills that can attract the attention of men to their movements. This is part of the prohibition of “in front of a blind person do not place a stumbling block”, since it may cause them to have inappropriate thoughts.

Also, it’s not the way of tznius for a woman to be in the center of attention in public. Chazal have praised the Jewish women that are modest and inward and don’t seek the limelight.



תערובת אנשים ונשים – ראה בארוכה אצלנו בקובץ היובל.

לנגן בכלי זמר בפני גברים – ע״פ שו״ת הרדב״ז ב, תקע. וראה שו״ת משנה הלכות ו, כה. ולהעיר מחידושי חתם סופר שבת כא, ב. וראה בארוכה לבושה של תורה ב, עד.


